Lost & found cats
About cats that have been lost or found within the borough of Verdun, contact the Local Surveillance, by dialing 514 765-7070. For more information, visit the borough of Verdun website or phone 311.
If your cat is lost, keep checking the Montreal SPCA which is in charge of picking up stray cats in the borough of Verdun. Contact the Montreal SPCA to report the missing cat: 514 735-2711 ext 2252, or perduspca@gmail.com or perdu@spcamontreal.com and check out their blog: SPCA Montreal: Stray Animals.
You can also report it to Petluck.ca (Lost and Found Pets – Montreal Area – Free service).
Place an ad on our website: If you have lost your cat or found one, and you can provide a quick description accompanied by a picture (max. 2 pictures), just send it by email and we will put your ad on this web page. We will leave your ad online for a period of one year, unless you ask us to remove it before.
Read our tips: How to avoid losing your cat & What can you do if your cat is lost?
Is there a cat whose care you want to entrust to the Refuge? The Refuge pour chats de Verdun does not have a physical shelter space. All the cats that we take in live with foster families until they are adopted. We are in desperate need of more foster families. For this reason, if there is a cat whose care you would like to entrust to the Refuge, we ask that you become a foster family to the cat you would like to help until it is adopted. Please visit our section Foster families in order to learn more.