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Radio 9 – Monday, July 27, 2015 Interview with Louis Lemieux (in French)
Louis Lemieux, host of the Radio 9 program Lemieux, C’est Le Matin chats with Nicole Bouthillier, volunteer for the Refuge for cats (Verdun).

Journal Métro Montréal ● Le Messager Verdun ● Le Magazine de l’Île-des-Soeurs
● 10 Feb. 2015: Le Refuge pour chats de Verdun reçoit 10 fois plus de dons
(in French) ► Read article
● 3 Feb. 2015: À pleine capacité, le Refuge pour chats lance un SOS
(in French) ► Read article

RDI Matin Week-end – Interview of Sunday, February 1, 2015 with Martin Labrosse
“The Refuge holds today an Adoption day for its cats. For $200 you can adopt a vaccinated and sterilized companion. Nicole Bouthillier, volunteer, visit us with Basile, one of the cats to adopt.”

Cats of the Refuge for cats (Verdun) are featured in the December 2014/January 2015 issue of Magazine Animal, the monthly for pets friends (in French only).
You will find a full page on the Refuge (Under “Adoptez-moi!” on page 6), superbly represented by five ambassadors of choice: Odyle and Tiki which are still awaiting adoption. Cléopâtre, Pancha and Raoul have already been adopted.

RDI Matin week-end: Interview of Sunday, June 29, 2014 with Louis Lemieux: “Le mois de l’abandon” (in French). Nicole Bouthillier, volunteer of the Refuge pour chat de Verdun, tells us about the Refuge activities.

May 04, 2014: Cats adoptions & Book Sale. Today the Refuge pour chats de Verdun held a book sale with all profits going to benefit the refuge cats. There were also adorable felines up for adoption.

RDI Matin week-end: Interview of Saturday, October 5, 2013 with Louis Lemieux (in French) Nicole Bouthillier, volunteer responsible for the 1st Salon Félin of the Refuge pour chat de Verdun, tells us about the Refuge activities.

You will find the advice of Denise Bouchard, as well as a number of practical tips from the Refuge pour chats de Verdun in the Guide pratique Animaux de compagnie (available in French only), published in February 2013 by Protégez-vous.
The electronic version of this guide is offered free of charge to web subscribers of Proté You can order it online from the boutique Protégez-vous.